I will be doing a speaking tour with discussion, short films, and, acoustic concerts in Europe in October. This is a benefit tour for purchase of a community center in Flagstaff, Indigenous Action Media, and Protect the Peaks work.
I will also be doing a select few dates in the Southwest in November.
I’ll be traveling to raise funds for a couple of important causes: Silei Community Empowerment Project is working on raising the remaining funds for down-payment costs to buy a community center (which currently houses Taala Hooghan Infoshop & OYBMedia Center) in Flagstaff, AZ. I am also working on getting donations to support folks who were part of direct actions to stop Snowbowl back in 2011. The state is attempting to extort thousands of dollars for “restitution” from a few individuals.
(you can donate at any of the above sites, you can also contribute here: www.indigenousaction.org.)
Tour info:
Respect Existence or Expect Resistance
Indigenous resistance and liberation struggles in the US.
Short films, discussion, & acoustic concert.
This presentation will address current efforts to protect the San Francisco Peaks in Arizona, relocation and resistance to resource colonization on Black Mesa, border militarization, and community based resistance.
The show in Saint-Péran is on the 17th (not the 18th – on the 18th there will be two shows in Nantes, interviews for local radios, etc)
I’ll change it, thanks!
SO GREAT that you recorded ‘An Act of Liberation’!
I debated recording it because every song (except for one other) is completely new. But the lyrics really said most of what I was trying to say in other songs.