Ok, 200+ comments and 200+ shares later, #aprilfools!
Ahe’ hee’ la for making this April fools a memorable one. I thought the link here would be enough to ensure everyone knew this was a joke but some of ya’ll (especially my relatives) took it pretty seriously!
I really appreciate the encouragement and support, especially since it’s clear that much more hard work needs to be done especially in regards to sacred lands, racism and police violence, and dehumanization of our unsheltered relatives. These matters are no joke and I work everyday to make sure they’re directly addressed.
I’ve got too much seditious love for the land and people to think our liberation could be mediated by laws on paper and by the violence that upholds them. All power is with the people, always! <3
Please support these organizations I volunteer with:
www.taalahooghan.org, FB: Taala Hooghan Infoshop (donations urgently needed!, fundraising campaign coming soon!)
www.protectthepeaks.org, FB Protect The Peaks
www.cleanupthemines.org, Clean Up The Mines
www.indigenousaction.org, Indigenous Action
www.oybm.org, Outta Your Backpack Media (OYBM)
www.haulno.org, HaulNo